There’s a party going on in your garden – did you know? Buzzing Bees are tending to their bee skep & the garden, which is surrounded by a sweet white picket fence is abundant with flowers & a perky pumpkin. Our model is worked on 32 count Lambswool Linen. It may be framed as shown on the cover or for the more adventurous it could be worked as an oblong needle roll in which you can roll up & park your needles and other stitching tools inside. We’ve added sparkly beads for a three-dimensional touch &, while it may be tiny, the Golden Mini Bee Charm is the perfect final finishing touch. Get stitching on this sweet design.
Stitch Count: 37h x 94w
Suggested Fabric: 32 count Lambswool Linen Embellishments: BC-CP24 Golden Mini Bee Charm